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  1. Regulation is FUTILE
    Fact: CANNOT read minds
    Fact: CANNOT know diverse environments of people
    Fact: People have self-volition (choice)
    Fact: Live in Action PRECEDES Consequence physical REALITY

    Therefore: Cannot CONTROL people (or crime), can only respond after the action. Therefore cannot predict nor control the future. Can ONLY respond to crime after the fact.
  2. The Social Contract
    The minimal terms of association that any SANE person will voluntarily accept with any individual or group. Key consideration for "Rule of Law".
  3. Darwin Reconsidered
    Explains EXACTLY why we are not surviving, who the perpetrators are and what can be done about it.
  4. The "Rule of Law"
  5. Feedback Model Of Intelligent Choice
  6. The Mathematics Of Rule
    We have been and are in an eternal war between the productive (those who produce more than they consume) and the greedy (those who consume more than they produce). Civilizations rise (honesty in control) and fall (predators in control).
  7. Know This Or Die