Categories: Human Nature5. Precise Definitions of Key Terms To understand and unambiguously communicate about anything, we must define the concepts in precise, measurable terms. The fact that I must start at such a basic level is evidence of how much our educ...
Categories: Human NatureFull contents of this section.
Categories: Human Nature6. The Attributes of Man Mankind is a member of the animal kingdom (if you do not accept this, return this book for a refund, you are immune to obvious fact and conclusions) with added capabilities making us a unique form of life on ea...
Categories: Published ArticlesFact: CANNOT read minds
Fact: CANNOT know diverse environments of people
Fact: People have self-volition (choice)
Fact: Live in Action PRECEDES Consequence physical REALITY
Therefore: Cannot CONTROL people (or crime), can only respond after the action. Therefore cannot predict nor control the future. Can ONLY respond to crime after the fact. -
Categories: Human Nature7. Understanding Intelligent Choice Intelligent choice is determining the collection of actions that are believed will yield the desired results. Choice is the means that mankind adapts to environmental conditions to secure goals, including surviv...
Categories: Logical ImplicationsUnderstanding the problem implies the solution
Categories: Human Nature<div class="Section1"> <h1><a name="_Toc149878595">8.<span style="font-family: "times new roman"; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: norma...
Categories: Supporting EvidenceFrom the Author: It is not incumbent on a diagnostician to prescribe a remedy, and it would be quackery for him to do so when he has misgivings as to its curative value. It may be that the struggle between Society and the State is inevitable; it may be in the nature of things for the struggle to continue until mutual destruction clears the ground for the emergence of a new Society, to which a new political establishment attaches itself to effect a new doom.
Categories: Human Nature9. Absurdity of Applied Philosophy There are as many definitions of philosophy as there are philosophers. The common element between all definitions is
Categories: Human NatureHow this site came to be, why it is so named, the purpose and goals it is intended to accomplish, how and why the goals will be accomplished. A declaration of total, full spectrum WAR against barbarians intent on enslaving free humanity, collapsing civilization and culling a large portion of humanity.
A practical demonstration of exactly how much trouble a single, competent individual, using peaceful methods, withdrawal of support and civil disobedience can terrify our tyrants into inaction, making them move on to "lower hanging fruit". They appear intelligent enough not to overtly engage in a war they cannot win against determined will and won't power.
We are a "monkey see, monkey do species". The intelligent voluntarily follow the lead of the successful. I am NOT telling you what to do, apart from educate yourself as to what the real situation is and what the choices are. Use this knowledge to secure your own goals and survival.